Use What You Have
. . . . That’s the phrase my littlest daughter keeps reminding me of “use what you have, mom”. It’s the very same words that the Lord put on my heart at the beginning of the year that I kept to myself.
. . . . That’s the phrase my littlest daughter keeps reminding me of “use what you have, mom”. It’s the very same words that the Lord put on my heart at the beginning of the year that I kept to myself.
The memories of this day are still fresh in my mind. I can remember events from the days and hours before we found out you had left us. The time, the name of the ultrasound tech, those never ending hours of heartache. How can five years already have passed and we never got to meet?
To Malachi, on your 5th birthday. Read More »
Every now and again I get lost in these funks. These thoughts where I seem like nothing will ever change. Things like “I’ll never be able to afford that”,”I’ll never loose this weight”, “my dream will never come true,” my “_**fill in the blank**_” will never happen. I’ve been there many times,on so many accounts,
Never say Never again. Read More »
I’ve always been amazed by trees with massive root systems, the depths they can grow, and sometimes the damage they can cause. I remember my maternal grandparents had two giant weeping willow trees in their front yard. I have vivid memories of playing under those canopies as a kid. The long arching branches hanging down